
This constitution below was agreed at the inaugural meeting of Friends Of Green Dale at The Albrighton Centre 37 Albrighton road, East Dulwich, SE22 8AH on 7/8/2014.



1. Name

The name of the group is the Friends of Green Dale (the ‘Friends’).

2. Objective

Our objective is to protect, conserve and enhance the natural environment of Green Dale (Southwark) for the benefit of wildlife and people.

3. Membership

a) Any natural person who is interested in helping to achieve our objective and meets any criteria for membership adopted by the Committee can become a member, on being admitted by the Committee.

b) The Committee must keep a register of the members.

c) A person will cease to be a member if he or she:

i) resigns by giving written notice;

ii) is removed by a resolution of the Committee that it is in the best interests of the Friends for his or her membership to be terminated (provided the member is given at least 21 days’ notice of the proposed resolution and the reasons and an opportunity to make representations);

iii) dies; or

iv) fails to pay an annual subscription within three months of the date on which it is due.

4. General Meetings

a) An Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’) must be held each year, at not more than 15 month intervals.

b) The business of the AGM shall include: receiving a report from the Chair of activities over the year; receiving a report of the last financial year's accounts from the Treasurer; and, electing a new Committee.

c) A general meeting other than an AGM is a special general meeting (‘SGM’). The Committee may call an SGM at any time and must call an SGM if requested to do so in writing by at least 10 members or one tenth of the membership, whichever is the greater (any such request must state the nature of the business to be discussed).

d) 14 days notice must be given of any general meeting to all members. The notice must specify the date, time and place of the meeting and the business to be carried out.

e) The quorum for general meeting is 10 members or one tenth of the total membership, whichever is greater. If no quorum is present, the Committee must re-convene the meeting with at least 7 days’ notice; if there is no quorum present within 15 minutes of the start of the reconvened meeting, the members present shall constitute the quorum.

f) The Chair will chair all general meetings and, if he or she is not present within 15 minutes, a person nominated by the Committee Members present will chair the meeting.

g) Each member has one vote at general meetings and if there is a tied vote the Chair shall have a second vote. A member may vote by proxy.

5. Committee

a) The Friends shall be administered by a Committee comprising four officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) and up to three additional Committee Members, who are elected at each AGM.

b) Committee Members must be members of the Friends and at least 16 years old.

c) The Committee may fill any vacancy in their number by co-opting a member of the Friends to serve as a Committee Member until the next AGM.

d) Each Committee Member shall retire at the next AGM after his or her appointment, but shall be eligible for re-election.

e) The Committee Members may do all lawful things necessary for the achievement of the objective.

f) All Committee Members shall be given at least seven days notice of a meeting unless it is deemed an emergency meeting.

g) The quorum for Committee meetings is three Committee Members.

h) Voting is by a show of hands on a majority basis. If there is a tied vote the Chair shall have a second vote.

i) All meetings must be minuted and copies of the minutes must be available to any member.

j) A Committee Member must declare any direct or indirect interest in any matter to be discussed by the Committee, and then must not take part in the discussion or count in the quorum unless the other Committee Members present agree otherwise.

6. Finance

Any money obtained by the Friends shall be used only for the objectives. Any bank accounts opened shall be in the name of the Friends. Any cheque issued shall be signed by at least two of any three nominated signatures.

7. Alteration of the Constitution

Any changes to this constitution must be agreed by a least two thirds of those members present in person or by proxy at a general meeting.

8. Dissolution

The Friends may be wound up at any time if agreed by two thirds of those members present and voting at any general meeting. Any assets shall be returned to their providers, if they require it, or shall be passed to another group with similar aims.